輸出︰DC 12V 0~60A
Enclosed Type
◎ 具金屬外殼防護之DC-DC轉換器
◎ CE宣告
◎ 適合用於電池備援系統或各式交通工具上
◎ 組件性質,安裝於系統內
◎ 1U low profile 41mm
◎ 2:1~4:1寬直流電壓輸入範圍
◎ High power density 10.7W/in3
◎ 保護種類: 短路/ 過負載/ 過電壓/ 過溫度
◎ 12V/0.25A auxiliary output
◎ 2000VDC 輸入/ 輸出隔離
◎ DC OK 信號輸出, 遙控ON/OFF, 線壓降補償
◎ 操作溫度:-20~-60℃
DC adjustment range ........12V: 11~15V, 24V: 23~30V, 48V: 46~60V
Line regulation .................±0.5% (max.)
Load regulation ................±0.5% (max.)
Overload protection ..........105%~125% constant current limiting,
shut off after 5 sec., AC recycle to re-start
Over voltage protection .....101%~167% rated output voltage
Withstand voltage .............I/P-O/P: 2KV, I/P-FG: 1.5KV, 1 minute
Isolation resistance ...........100MΩ( min.) @500VDC
Working temperature .........-20℃ ~ +70℃ (refer to output derating curve)
Safety standards ..............IEC60950-1 CB approved by TUV
EMC standards .................EN55022 class B, EN61000-4-2,3,4,6,8, ENV50204